The way Gavin lives is familiar to many; as the seasons change, so does his life. His years are spent alternating between the Pacific Northwest and the far North as an Alaskan fisherman in the summer that gives way to fall winery work and evolves into winter ski patrolling that stretches into the spring.
“Each individual has their own way, their own distinctive style and unique approach. I’m a big fan of Gavin’s way. I only captured one run with him but it was a good one, and I remember it was as cold as it gets in the PNW and you may notice that Gavin wasn’t wearing gloves. My hands were “threat level red” freezing even though I was only taking my gloves off for a moment here and there to operate the camera, but Gavin wasn’t bothered. He is one of the most interesting and cherished members of the Mt. Hood community.” -Eric Pollard